
Our school canteen is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (closed Monday)

Canteen Menu 2024

There are no morning tea orders for Kindy and Pre-primary children – Lunch orders only.

Ordering your child’s lunch

Ordering manually

Manual orders must be in the red canteen box (front office) no later than 9:00am of the day required.
Please write child’s name and room number/year on lunch bag, items required and include correct payment.

Ordering online

We encourage everyone to use the online canteen, if you do not have an account, please set one up at

Please ensure your child’s details are up to date on the online canteen system, at all times.

Online orders must be placed no later than 8:00am of the day required.
To order online,

Sign up by filling in a registration form.
You will receive a confirmation email.
Log into the website.
Select your school and enter your children’s names.
Add credit to your account and order meals for your children and then click ‘confirm’. You will also receive a confirmation email.

Orders can be placed up to one month in advance and can be cancelled up till 8.30am on the day of the order. If you miss the cancellation time, please call on 0413 108 301 and we will cancel for you. If your child’s meal is not cancelled and meal is made, no refunds will be given. Please do NOT leave until the last 15 minutes to place your order, as this at times puts pressure on the system.

Children with no lunch orders (who believe they should have one) will be firstly referred to the front office for authorisation, prior to the lunch been given. If you have realised you have forgotten, please call me on 0413 108 301 and I will organise.

Coffee & Muffins

Mums, Dads & Carers, pick up a coffee and freshly baked muffin after dropping children off.

Birthday Cupcakes

Cupcakes for your child’s birthday, delivered to their classroom, from 80 cents each.  Please order 5 days in advance.

Family Dinners

If you require assistance with family dinners, please contact Julie on the details below.


Need some help in your busy schedule?  Cakes, cheesecakes, cupcakes for parties; mini quiche, frittata for picnics; muffins for morning or afternoon tea.  Customised menu available.

Contact Julie at or 0413 108 301