The Jolimont Primary Independent Public School Board’s role is to provide strategic guidance and monitoring of the school’s performance. It supports the school in increasing effective autonomy and flexibility to further improve the quality of the whole school program.
Members are elected for a maximum of three years and are elected from the staff, parent body, community and local business. The School Board operates separately to the P&C. The School Board meets twice a term. Additional meetings may be called as required.

Board Chair – Claire Smith
Claire is a results-driven, high energy senior leader. As the General Manager for an Industrial company, she has extensive experience in strategic planning, corporate governance and budget management. Prior to moving to Australia, Claire was a director of Deutsche Bank, London, equipping her with fast-paced decision making and stakeholder management skills. With a Masters Degree in Engineering and a member of Mensa, she has an analytical and quantitative mindset. An ambassador for ‘Women in Technology WA’, she advocates for STEM education and career development. As a keen hockey player and co-owner of Jungle Sports, she believes in the importance of sport in developing life skills, such as teamwork, resilience and commitment. Claire has two daughters, Grace and Lily, in the early stages of their Jolimont journey and would welcome the chance to be a part of supporting Jolimont Primary School’s development and growth.

Parent Representative – Mark De’Panonne
Mark and his family moved to Daglish a few years ago. They were attracted to the area due to its community feel and proximity to a school that have a vision, mission and values that align to what they want for their daughter. Their daughter is attending Jolimont kindy and is looking forward to her journey through primary school years. Mark has a background in Aquaculture, having completed his under and post graduate studies at UTAS. His studies focused predominantly on probiotics, using microbiology and molecular techniques. Since completion over the last 15 years he has held roles in science research, sales and commercial business development, also completing his MBA. The roles were spread from family business to private equity and now at his current role with the Commonwealth Government as a Business Development Officer for the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). The skill sets developed allows Mark to effectively build relationships and communicate across science, philanthropy and commercial platforms to achieve positive, longstanding results.
Parent Representative – Simon England
My name is Simon England, I have two children at Jolimont, Alannah in year 2 and Oscar in Pre-primary. I’m regularly pleased when talking to my children after school with the topics of conversation generated by what they’ve experienced that day. My impression of the school is one with a great community that does an excellent job teaching our children to be genuine, respectful, caring people.
I have been in senior business management for almost two decades across multiple industries; for many years I was a shareholder in a private company. I am a qualified mechanical engineer and am nearing completion of an MBA which will include completing the Australian Institute of Company Directors course. Whilst I have experience across the entire range of business functions my current focus is operations management.
I have significant leadership and strategic planning experience along with a multitude of other skills relevant to a board position. I have developed business plans, budgets, and codes of conduct; conducted performance reviews, sales and marketing campaigns, and negotiations with suppliers/subcontractors.
I would be proud and honoured to serve as a member of the School Board and apply my skills and experience in leadership, management, and governance to contribute to the continued success of this great school.

Parent Representative – Eveline Masco
I am delighted to be part of the Jolimont Primary School Board. Our two girls are in the early stages of their journey at the school. I have a background in journalism and currently work as Strategic Projects Manager in the governance team of a large education provider. I am passionate about sustainability and improving social justice, especially for Aboriginal peoples. I dedicate a lot of my time volunteering for various community groups. This is my way to give back to the community that has welcomed our family so warmly when we first arrived in Australia, almost a decade ago. I welcome the chance to be part of the Jolimont Primary School Board as an opportunity to support the school in achieving their strategic goals and to contribute to the school’s continued growth.

Parent Representative – Chantel Arnold
I have been part of the Jolimont Primary and local community for the last 5 years, having grown up in nearby Scarborough. I have a daughter in year 3 and son in year 1. With a degree in Commerce and a qualified Chartered Accountant, I have held various leadership roles in the professional services, banking and energy industries and is currently the Indirect Taxation Manager for a large global energy company. I am keen to contribute to the strategic direction of Jolimont Primary School to ensure we develop, nurture and prepare our children for the future that lies ahead of them. With extensive stakeholder management, advocacy, policy and governance experience, along with a strong interest in inclusion and diversity, I hope to make a valuable contribution to the school and her broader community.
Parent Representative – Ryan Govan
I am firstly a father to 2 Jolimont Primary students, Olivia in Year 1 and Chloe in Kindy.
Professionally, I am a current public Secondary school Principal at Butler College and prior to this position was Principal of a Kindy to Year 12 school, Carnarvon Community College. I have previously held leadership positions at Shenton College, Hedland SHS and Derby DHS. I believe my experiences in both Secondary and K-12 leadership roles within the public education system could provide value to the JPS Board and I look forward to being able to assist in any way.

Community Representative – Belinda Stobie
Environmentalist working to save the world one day at a time.

Staff Representative – Sue Poh
After aspiring to this role for some time, I am very excited to become part of the Jolimont Primary School Board and explore what I can offer, not only from a teacher’s perspective, but as someone who has also been part of the parent community at this lovely school.
My teaching journey at Jolimont has included relief work, teaching sustainability through the ‘Garden Classroom’ and Acting Deputy Principal, before finally gaining my dream job in 2017 as a Pre-primary teacher in the Early Childhood Centre. I am a dedicated advocate of learning through curiosity, wonder and play. As a lead teacher on the Jolimont PS Teacher Development School Early Years team, I have presented professional learning to colleagues from all around Western Australia, demonstrating exemplary practice in early childhood education and providing guided tours to showcase play-based learning environments. I am humbled and honoured to have been invited to contribute to a National Quality Standards in Action teacher’s resource for Western Australian Schools, highlighting how the seven quality areas are embedded in practice at Jolimont Primary School. Industry achievements include nomination by parents for a National Excellence in Teaching Award in 2001 and round winner of the Premier’s Teacher of the Year Awards in 2006.
My early teaching experiences in rural schools have sparked a very deep commitment to developing inclusivity and reconciliation in education. Through my role on the Jolimont Board, and on the Inclusivity and Diversity Committee, I hope to place a focus on building respectful relationships, both within the school and beyond. I feel a very strong connection to the children and families of Jolimont and look forward to working as part of the Board to promote the school’s vision of empowering our community’s youngest citizens.

Staff Representative – Stella Thompson
I have been teaching for 31 years and joined Jolimont PS in July 2022.
I feel very fortunate to have such a rewarding career that I love, which encouraged me to become a Level 3 teacher in 2015. I have taught students from Years 1-5 and have had many leadership roles in former schools. In recent years, these roles have included Literacy leader, Teaching and Learning leader, Sustainability leader and participated on previous school boards.
Aligning with Jolimont Primary School’s mission, one of my goals is to inspire students to succeed as global citizens, and I have close ties to a school situated in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya.
I also have a passion for working with Graduate teachers and collaboratively working with my colleagues to deliver whole school programs. I strongly believe ‘with helping hands, children can accomplish anything’.