The Department of Education states that all students should be given the opportunity to capitalise on the opportunities of the future as empowered creators and uses of technology. ICT has the power to transform the way students think and learn and give them greater control over how, where, and when they learn.

This education must enhance, transform and personalise learning in the area of technology to allow students to take the next step beyond primary school. STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education is an essential part of our teaching and learning program at Jolimont for driving the innovation required to address global economic, social and environmental challenges. Jolimont will continue to grow as a hub of creativity, innovation and opportunity.

At Jolimont, Science is taught by a specialist teacher in Years 1-6. In the Early Years (PP/K) Science is taught by the classroom teacher. Years 3-6 are taught the latest evidence-based curriculum as part of the UWA Einstein-First Project. This includes aspects of Einsteinian physics—curved space, warped time and photons. For more information see

The two technologies subjects (Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies) are taught by classroom teachers. Students investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions to authentic learning challenges.

The two technologies subjects (Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies) are taught by classroom teachers. Students investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions to authentic learning challenges.

Students from the school take part in the Tournament of Minds competition each year which allows students to use problem-solving skills to solve open-ended challenges. The tournament’s aim is to enhance the potential of our youth by developing diverse skills, enterprise, time management, and the discipline to work collaboratively within a challenging and competitive environment. For more information see

The Jolimont Primary School Business Plan 2021-2024 focus area of STEM/ICT, incorporates strategic pillars which aim to foster inclusivity by including: 

  • Enhanced opportunities for our students through community partnerships and allied professional that enhance Science, Technologies, Engineering and Maths (STEM).
  • Develop communication strategies which showcase, celebrate and inform the school community of the successes in STEM.
  • Through a consultative approach, continue to modify learning environments to assist teaching of ICT.
  • Promote student leadership and voice in the area of technologies.
  • Support continuous improvement through professional learning in line with Jolimont Primary School and Department of Education strategic directions.

These focus areas are in accord with the Jolimont Primary School’s Vision, to nurture and empower each other to pursue and be our best; Mission, to inspire in our children a joy of learning and instil the courage to succeed as global citizens; and Values, which include Respect, Integrity, Excellence and Care.